

Recently, (the last few years), I have had some health related issues.  It is called Arrhythmia or very rapid heartbeat.  I ended up in the Emergency department with a pulse of 225 bpm.  After staying overnight, I ended up seeing the Cardiologist the following morning.  He explained that I had an electrical problem with my heart and required heart surgery called Cardiac Ablation.  I had this procedure April 1, 2009.  I continue to have some rapid heartbeat episodes which are quite frightening.  In an effort to ascertain what could be causing this or what I could do about it,  I started doing some research on the Internet and found out that a Paleo type diet, which is free of grains, dairy, low in carbs etc. has been beneficial and in so many cases, eradicated arrhythmia for so many sufferers.  I came across The Primal Blueprint an extremely interesting read. 

I have been devouring the website and I purchased the book on the weekend and have been devouring it also.  I started the program on Sunday and I am already experiencing the benefits.  I have increased energy, no more bloating or discomfort in my stomach.  Love it!! Here's where the Sustainability comes in.....It is a SUSTAINABLE program- a lifestyle not just a diet that my husband and I can adopt.  Mark Sisson, the author's approach to a more relaxed lifestyle just feels so right for me and makes so much sense. I am certainly hoping that it will also ease my symptoms of arrhythmia.  I will keep you posted on my journey. 

Here is THE PRIMAL BLUEPRINT for your reference.

Soulier Design Studio specializes in Sustainability and Eco Friendly Design and Products http://www.soulierdesignstudio.com  

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