This time of the year in Canada is without a doubt one of my favourite times of the year.
Fall or Autumn in the central and eastern parts of Canada introduce cooler temperatures in September and relief from the heat and humidity of August. The leaves on the trees begin their transformation and change into outstanding shades of orange, red and yellow.
At this time of the year, there are a multitude of fall Travel Tours just to admire the gorgeous fall foliage in Canada. This is a wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors with long leisurely walks and outdoor activities.
Did you know that therapists prescribe outdoor activities as part of their healing plans?
I would have to say that many of us do not spend nearly enough time in the great outdoors; myself included. Something that I personally plan on changing. My husband Joe, enjoys a 1-2 hour walk/hike each and every morning without fail. Rain, shine, cold, hot, snow, sleet, hail it doesn't matter. He loves to walk along the beach and take in the sunrise with all of it's colours; to see the wildlife, the deer, the birds singing their joyful songs and the bunnies on his travels. I admire Joe's dedication and his love of nature. What a fabulous way to start your day!!
In contrast, I spend way too much time in front of my computer writing blogs. Something else I need to change. All I am trying to convey, is there needs to be a balance.
How much time do you spend outdoors?
When was your last stroll in the woods or the last time you were on your bike?
Well, come-on there is no time like the present. Divorce yourself for just a little while from your Blackberry, your I Phone, I Pad, your cellphone, computer; whatever your technological preference and plan to add some outdoor time to your life. Provide your psyches with some needed time out.
Sometimes a little calm goes a long way!
You will soon find that there are so many benefits to living a sustainable and healthy life and to experience the extraordinary world that surrounds us.
Happy Tuesday Everyone........Enjoy!
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