

Any special plans for the weekend? Camping anyone?

I am sure you are thinking that this post is several weeks late but camping in the fall, provided that you have all the proper supplies to keep you toasty warm, is really quite refreshing!

The fact that I am even writing about Camping is a miracle in itself as the first time I ever camped in my entire life was just 7 years ago. I just didn't think that it was something that I could ever possibly enjoy.  Not to sound like a snob but my vision of camping out at that time was a black and white TV at a Holiday Inn!!

Anyway, my husband Joe, a lifelong, very seasoned camper assured me that it would be fun sleeping in a tent up at our property in Haliburton yeah sure it would; roughing it, cooking outside, enjoying the great outdoors, not worrying about putting on makeup, or blow-drying + styling my hair. All those things that come with city living.  Instead relaxing, void of all electronic distractions, listening to the beautiful sounds of nature, watching the sunrise and sunset all while sitting in front of a roaring campfire (something you can't do in the city), engaging in wonderful conversation and enjoying our favourite red. To my surprise he was actually right.  I loved, loved, loved it and could not believe that I had missed out on this extremely nurturing, back to the basics kind of experience all these years!

We spent many glorious weekends camping, however, bears became a problem which changed the way that we camped but that was an amazing adventure of its own.  For safety, instead of a tent we converted a school bus into an RV.  A total blast and tons of fun!

Sometimes trying something foreign makes us uneasy. We are are all creatures of habit and don't like to stray too far out of our comfort zone.  If you have not tried camping, consider giving it a try.  I highly recommend it and I am sure you will also embrace it as much as I have.

Some Camping Inspiration for you........Enjoy!


photos - Pinterest William Sonoma 

Soulier Design Studio specializes in Sustainability and Eco Friendly Design, Products http://www.soulierdesignstudio.com

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